The wish (2021) work-in-progress app for iOS and Android is being co-designed with youth living with sickle cell anemia to explore how playful, augmented reality (AR) can be used to create visually rich mixed reality spaces that facilitate meaningful expressions of youths’ and caregivers’ experiences. The […]

Unruh (Blood Work 2.0) 2020
Glass blown, 3D printed black polymer (SLS), Ferrofluid, 24 x Spherical Neodymium Magnets, Motor, Belt, Aluminum Gyroscope Unruh (Blood Work 2.0) was made in 2020 through a collaboration between Tobias Klein, Victor Pok Yin Leung, and Jane Prophet. It is a biologically inspired, transparent kinetic […]

Common Datum (2020)
Glass blown, 3D printed black polymer (SLS), Calcium Chloride, Water Common Datum (2020) was made through collaboration between Tobias Klein and Jane Prophet. It is an environmentally reactive, hygroscopic sculpture. A series of suspended vessels continuously absorb the humidity in the exhibition – generated through […]

DictionARy: an augmented reality intervention in a bricks and mortar library (2019)
DictionARy (2019) is an augmented reality artwork, made with software developer, Mark Hurry. It’s a site-specific artwork created for libraries. It continues Prophet’s experiments with the form of dictionaries and her love of lexicography. In earlier artworks she lasercut dictionaries to visualise selected definitions of arguably […]

Pocket Penjing (2018)
How much do you know about the air you breathe? What if, as well as the numbers about heat, moisture and pollutants, you had a tree that grows in front of your eyes to show you the air quality from any chosen monitoring station? This project […]

Portrait of the artist contemplating death (2014)
Photographs courtesy of photographic artist Gary Roderick McLeod This work (2014) is a sculpture with projected video developed from the 3D printed life-sized bust, Neuro Memento Mori. The work was shown for the first time at SIGGRAPH Asia in Kobe, Japan 2015, then in 2016 in ALTER: […]

Neuro Memento Mori (2014)
3D printed sculptures, polymer, from MRI data This ongoing series of works (2014–) emerge from a collaboration between Jane Prophet and neuroscientists Zoran Josipovic (NYU), Andreas Roepstorrf and Joshua Skewes (Aarhus University). Jane is the subject of a trial where she looks at representations of memento mori […]

Bad Hand: leave me alone (2013)
Customised vintage angle-poise lamp with miniature video projector, vintage table and chair, sheet of white paper The video piece, leave me alone (2013) from the series Bad Hand is in homage to the allegedly psychotic patient of a European psychiatric institution, Emma Hauck. Her penciled letters […]

Second Skin: straitjacket (2013)
Custom-made parka with reversed hood and straitjacket clasps Second Skin: straitjacket (2013) is one of a pair of garments based on the concept of a second skin which is common to a range of clothing-related fetishes. The work is part of a series of pieces […]

Second Skin: Parka (2013)
Custom-made parka with extended snorkel hood and extended arms Second Skin: Parka (2013) is based on the concept of a second skin which is common to a range of clothing-related fetishes. The garment acts as a fetishistic surrogate for the wearer’s own skin – a […]

Manifestations (2013)
Manifestations (2013) comprises 7 pairs of photographic works based on the content of letters I received from a man who has stalked me for over 25 years. The letters that I received were sometimes lengthy and contained rich descriptive passages about objects, people and places. Five […]

Taking Your Hand (2013)
Taking Your Hand (2013) is a series of letters written with a font that I designed and used, based on the handwriting of a man who stalked me for more than 25 years. I limited myself to only writing about the experience of using the font […]

The Withdrawing Room (2008)
All works: Laser cut dictionaries and archival PVA. Images courtesy of Bill Jackson. The Withdrawing Room (2008) works were made to mark the Tercentenary of the birth of Samuel Johnson, and in response to the house where he compiled one of the first English Dictionaries. […]

(Trans)Plant (2008)
Installed in Birmingham, UK. Milled aluminium, linear actuators, chain drive.15ft x 9ft x 9ft. (Trans)Plant (2008) is a mechanical kinetic art work, a 20ft self-assembling sculpture based on the structure of cow parsley (Anthriscus sylvestris). This native British plant is familiar to people living in both […]

Counterbalance (2007)
Electro-luminescent light cable. 49 metal picket posts. 45ft x 75ft. 1: a weight that balances another 2: a force or influence that offsets an opposing force Counterbalance (2007) was made for the inaugural international RMIT Creative Media Residency, Prophet was commissioned to work at the 1850s Swiss […]

Souvenir of England (2007)
Inflatable dome, fiberglass, apple tree, flocking. 15ft x 15ft x 15ft. Souvenir of England (2007) is a memento to the English Orchard, which is fast becoming an endangered species. The heritage apple tree inside died in a commercial orchard, its contorted shape a result of pruning. […]

Timeslice was first installed as part of the Arnolfini exhibition, Wonderful Visions of the Near Future.

Model Landscape (2005)
Mixed media shelf works: skeleton leaves, cut books, archival PVA, acrylic, wood, aluminium. LCD screen and live video camera feed. 24″ x 16″ x 12″. Edition of 5. Model Landscapes (2005) engages with our desire for the perfect landscape and our willingness to mold or model these through […]

Silver Heart (2004)
Silver plate on copper over rapid prototyped polymer, 9″ x 8″ x 6″. Edition of 3. Image courtesy Wellcome Trust. Silver Heart (2004) was made as part of collaboration with cardio-thoracic surgeon Francis Wells at Papworth Hospital that investigated some of the social, technological and psychological aspects […]

Swab Drawings (2003)
See the video on Vimeo. The Swab Drawing videos (2003) document surgeon Francis Wells as he draws using a swab of patient’s blood, during open heart surgery. The drawings recall, diagrammatically, mitral valve repair procedures. One appears fresco-like, projected directly onto the flaking wall in […]

Blot Series (2003)
Fujichrome Lightjet photograph, 80″ x 26.5″. Mounted on aluminium, front-mounted with acrylic. Edition of 10 The ‘Blot’ Series (2003) takes its name from the process of using a ‘blot’ or random instant mark as the source of inspiration. The Victoria and Albert Museum, London commissioned the first […]

Decoy (2001)
6 bespoke computer generated animations on DVD. Edition of 5 Decoy (2001) is a screen-based digital work reflecting on the politics of landscape, construction and ownership. Drawing on works by painters such as Gainsborough and Poussin as well as the creations of landscape designers Humphry Repton and […]

Landscape Room (2000)
Each image is a Fujichrome Lightjet print, 30″ x 40″. Mounted on aluminium, framed and glazed. Edition of 5. The Landscape Room (2000) comprises six photographs, shot using a traditional large-format camera, which were combined with fractal landscapes based on the grounds at Holkham Hall, North Norfolk. […]

Conductor (2000)
120 x 24ft electro-luminescent cables, 74 tonnes of water. Click to see larger images. Images of Conductor courtesy of John Spinks. Video courtesy of Women’s Playhouse Trust and The Wapping Project. Conductor (2000) was a site-specific installation made in response to Wapping Hydraulic Pumping Station, London, […]

40 Chairs (2003)
40 white chairs by Vitra, 40 black buckets, 80 pulleys, fishing line and crimps. 40 Chairs (2003). Five visual artists were given a common task to make a new work, using forty white chairs, one day, two technicians and a lighting designer, all in response […]

Swarm (1996)
SWARM (1996) was an interactive installation inspired by some of then current thoughts about biological machines and ‘hive mind’. Briefly, the concept of hive mind is based on the premise that an insect colony is not merely the analogue of an organism, but is an […]

The Internal Organs of a Cyborg (1998)
The Internal Organs of a Cyborg (1998) is an interactive narrative on CD-ROM tells the story of two characters whose lives and identities collide in a hospital emergency room. The story is told in the form of a science-fiction-style comic strip using stock photographs from […]

Felix Essay: The Internal Organs of a Cyborg
See original essay here The Internal Organs of a Cyborg is a CD-ROM artwork by Jane Prophet which offers cyborg bodies for the voyeuristic gaze. It presents the user with a photostory narrative combining the visual approaches of the photo love magazine with the science fiction […]